Our Sustaining Sponsors

With the support of the sponsors below, SBM is able to work towards achieving the objectives that will make Manitoba a leader in sustainable building.  Our work is essential to achieving climate change emissions targets, making Manitoba more resilient to the effects of climate change, and creating local jobs in the sustainability sectors.

SBM is proud to be part of a community that shows their sustainable building values with their financial support.  Big thank yous!

Sponsors provide the foundation SBM builds on. Find out more about being a sponsor.

Platinum Sponsors

Crosier Kilgour Logo
Roost Custom Buiders logo
BIRD logo
SMS Engineering logo
Red North Carpentry + Structure Ltd Logo
Glendale Homes Park Logo
LM Architectural Group Logo

Gold Sponsors

Assiniboine Credit Union Logo
Duxton Windows and Doors logo
AMC Foam Logo

Silver Sponsors

silex fiberglass windows
Dueck Builders Logo
PCL Construction Logo
Pinchin Logo
Red River Group logo
Bockstael Manitoba's builders logo
prairieHouse logo
Gardon Construction
Team Insurance Brokers logo
cardinal ig logo
B Builds Logo
numberTEN logo

Posting and sharing content does not mean endorsement.  Content does not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of SBM or SBM sponsors.